Your first choice for local event first aid services

Lothians community Event First aid

Our Services

Providing bespoke first aid services for small to medium  local organised events in the Lothians

TEL: 07305 676341


About us

We are a group of volunteers that will provide bespoke first aid services at your local organised events in line with current Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Our service will be in accordance with current approved first aid practices.

We are dedicated to taking the pressure of the NHS by treating minor injuries at events where necessary. Our presence at events will provide reassurance to event organisers, participants, and members of the public.

Based in Dalkeith, we will initially provide first aid cover at small to medium sized events such as gala days, fireworks displays and athletic events predominantly within the Lothians. We will review the level of cover that we can provide at events on a regular basis, considering the nature of each event, its location, and any risks or restrictions identified.

Events will be staffed by our skilled volunteers who have accumulated a considerable number of years of experience whilst covering events during their volunteering for similar charities in Scotland. We are a not-for-profit organisation with all income being reinvested. This will enable us to buy equipment, consumables, and training equipment to maintain a high level of skills.

About Us

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TEL: 07305 676341